Email Marketing – Evemoo

No One Reads Emails

If you think that no one reads email just because you don’t, then you might be interested to know email marketing is the second most lead generating marketing technique!

It’s Not an Email It’s a story

Email marketing is not just writing an email to your boss for a 15 days holiday. But it’s an art that tells the story of your products and brands. It’s the way you connect with your audiences directly. It helps you generate sales by relating to your audience.

Reach Out Directly To Customers

Email marketing is the same as the traditional door to door marketing. But in the online world, you cannot be there to tell users about your products. By writing persuasive emails to your customers, you increase your brand awareness.

How To Make Email Marketing Successful?

There are many facts that you need to consider for your brand’s email marketing. But three factors that guaranty your email marketing success are:

Personalized Emails

Don’t just draft a single email and send it to all your customers. You cannot send the same email to Japan and Indian consumers. Be authentic!

Mobile Friendly

Don’t just draft a single email and send it to all your customers. You cannot send the same email to Japan and Indian consumers. Be authentic!

Mobile Friendly

90% of the users now view emails on their mobile devices. It is necessary to ensure your email is viewable on mobile devices as well.


Don’t send emails when your consumer is the busiest. Ensure that you send out emails when they are just lying around scrolling Facebook.

EveMoo Email Marketing Services

Email Marketing Advertisement Campaign

We generate leads through social media and search engines to create a base for your email marketing. Although for lead generation, you need to hire our SMM and SEO services. With our lead magnets, we continue to increase leads alongside increasing your consumers.

Email Marketing Strategy

Email marketing is not just writing emails. It’s a complete strategy that aligns with your business campaigns. By defining your campaign goals, we design your emails, content strategy, lead generation technique that will take your brand message across a broader audience.

Email Newsletters

The most ignored email marketing technique is email newsletters. We bring your audience closer to your brand through our effective email newsletter techniques. Keep your audience up to date about your brand with us!

Email Marketing Reporting

Get a report of each email marketing campaign launched by us. We focus on click-through rates, open rates, subscribers, & conversions to create reports that would be helpful for your brand in the future as well. We review and strategize until your brand gets optimal results.